Friday, November 14, 2014

World news

Drone attacks in Pakistan from U.S agents

In the past 10 years the U.S has been doing random attacks on Pakistan terrorist to try to eliminate the threat of terrorist overthrowing the Pakistan government. But in those 10 years the agents have killed multiple civilians in Pakistan and the Pakistan government have complained that the U.S is violating the international rules of territorial rights. Also the Pakistan government is saying that drone attacks are inhumane and are in violation of the international rules of put on top of all of that the U.S has killed 134 to 164 kids in Pakistan from drone attacks and the U.S still claims that there methods are effective and have no chance of failure. One other thing is the U.S admits to have killed civilians but they don’t want to reveal the exact number of unidentified civilian casualties in Pakistan. In my opinion the U.S should get the hell out of their country, because they have no right or reason to be there. The U.S needs to stop sticking their noes into stuff they don’t belong in, plus they think it’s their responsibility to solve the world’s problems when they can’t even solve their own problems, in their own country. I think they need to fix themselves before they try to fix the world around them.



  1. “Crash”, “incident”, and “injury” are more appropriate terms, and should be encouraged as substitutes for the word “accident”.

  2. II don't think we'll ever be able to ensure safe Space travel in my time..... if ever at all.

  3. That's really sad I don't think that was fair for the people of Pakistan and killing inacent children that's very sad!

  4. That's so sad! I don't think that was fair for people from Pakistan and the children that got killed! It's every heart breaking!
